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I was all set to attend my final graduation coaching module in NYC, after a year of intensive training, when the pandemic broke out. To be honest, I was secretly grateful for the pause. Like many of us I was burnt out, exhausted, running on fumes and thought the shutdowns would be brief. In retrospect I needed this break badly as I’d barely taken the time to acknowledge my body’s need for rest. Ironic coming from a yoga and meditation teacher, I know.

So there I was, early spring, falling in love with my then-boyfriend (now fiancé), relaxing into some much needed time off, baking banana bread, making decadent paleo breakfasts, staying up late watching tv shows I previously never had time to watch… and BAM! Within two months I was a whole eight pounds heavier. What?! You mean being in love doesn’t burn thousands of calories? When the object of my affection, Jared, suggested I look into the keto diet when I told him I wanted to lose the weight and was expressing disbelief in my weight gain. “But we eat so clean and healthy!” I said. He said, “Yeah, but the paleo diet can be high in sugar and you haven’t been working out like you used to.” He was loving, accepting and informative.

As I came to terms with my disappointment, and started feeling like all my fun was done, I began researching the keto diet. The thing that worried me the most was that I was thoroughly loving my new pandemic lifestyle. I loved baking, I loved cooking, heck I loved being domestic! And I wanted to find a way to have it all… A lean fit body, and fun in the kitchen making and eating delicious treats. I refused to believe that only SOME people can eat whatever they want, and the rest of us have to deprive ourselves to have the bodies we desire.

Jared suggested I go keto and possibly even try the carnivore diet. For a retired vegan this sounded insane. Plus, I was veggie obsessed! The idea of eating only meat, or even going full-keto, triggered my old eating disorder phobias. You want me to eat high fat, more protein, and animals… YUCK! I’ll blow up! I’ll get bulky! And then, “What if it doesn’t work?” I protested. Jared continued to kindly and thoughtfully present me with counter evidence. One thing to know about me is that I can be the most stubborn open-minded individual - after all not many people respond well to advice let alone information that challenges their core beliefs and way of thinking. I came to appreciate the fact that there was a lot I didn't know.

So I quickly switched gears and became excited to transform my understanding of “diet” food, and evolve my mindset and relationship to my body in the service of overall health. After all what did I have to lose, but the weight? Once I made the switch, I saw instant results and felt more satisfied, energized, nourished, and healthier than ever before! And within a couple of months I had lost the eight pounds! The best part was that every day I got to eat wholesome, satisfying foods and indulged in a combination of nut butters and dark chocolate that the internet was calling “fat bombs”.

I had found my substitute for banana bread! Keto Fat Bombs!

The first few batches were a bit messy and I knew I needed to come up with a more elegant presentation. Through trial and error I came up with my current process of using biodegradable mini cupcake liners, and mini cupcake molds, to form my keto chocolate cups.

So there I was – perfecting the keto cup when a crossfit gym (where Jared is the leadership coach) offered to let me sell my keto cups there! In no time people are asking me for my website and business card. Uhhhh i hadn't gotten that far! I knew I had the best tasting cups in town (I had literally tried every single one on the market), but I had NO idea how to launch a snack food line.
Yet every customer, every friend, and every family member who tried them kept encouraging me. These are amazing! You gotta sell them! If I had a nickel for every time I googled how to… regarding turning Key To Love Shack into a business I’d already be a very wealthy woman!

This project has truly been about breaking free from limiting beliefs and self doubt. I could have easily been satisfied with gifting keto cups to friends and calling it a day, but the idea of becoming a female entrepreneur and the CEO of a KETO SNACK LINE THAT EMPOWERS WOMEN TO LIVE THEIR ABSOLUTE BEST LIFE WHILE BOOSTING PLEASURE, PERFORMANCE AND THE POSSIBILITY OF HAVING IT ALL is everything I could ever dream of!

I had to and continue to say YES.

I am determined to give people the best of both worlds. The high performance ingredients often found in trending snacks minus carbs and sugars. It can be difficult and disappointing trying to find no-sugar snacks and I believe it should be easy! So I hope my Keto Love Cups make life a bit sweeter and easier for you to indulge as a means to achieving your goals!


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